We are educators striving to improve education in Hawaii.
Since 1921, the Hawaii Education Association (HEA) has brought together teachers, professors, school administrators and supporters to spark improvements in education for all educators and students statewide.
Today, we are devoted to stimulating innovation in education and providing professional development so that Hawaii’s teachers can be the best that they can be. We promote the joy and passion of the teaching profession, and we inspire and support those who desire to achieve excellence in the career of education.
Nominations and Elections for HEA Board of Directors
Now Open
If you are interested in shaping the future of education in Hawaii, please consider joining the HEA board of directors. There are seven positions available. Board members serve two-year terms. Nominations deadline is March 7, 2025. Election deadline is April 11, 2025.
If there is an election, the votes will be tabulated on Tuesday, April 15, 2025. According to election rules, candidates may send observers on this day. If there are fewer candidates than vacancies, those candidates will be automatically elected. Election results will be presented to the HEA Board of Directors for certification at the Annual Meeting on April 26, 2025. All candidates will be notified of the election results on or about May 2, 2025. All ballots will be stored at the HEA office in a sealed container for 30 days after certification. Any challenge made to these procedures or to the conduct of the election must be made in writing, signed by the challenger, and forwarded to HEA within 30 days after certification.
Please send nominations to HEA at 1953 South Beretania Street, Suite 5C, Honolulu, HI 96826. All nominations must be postmarked, delivered in person or faxed to HEA’s office at 944-2032 by March 7, 2025.

Augie Tulba
Former student of Millie Murakami
Dole Middle School

Ben Cayetano
Former student of Howard Higa
Kalakaua Intermediate School

Holden Suzuki
8th Grade Student
Maui Waena Intermediate School

JoAnn Oshiro
Former student of Mr. Edwin Ginoza
Maui High School
Scholarships for Current and Future Teachers
HEA has awarded hundreds of thousands of dollars in scholarships over the years. We offer many types of scholarships to assist public school teachers, student teachers, college students, and graduating high school seniors with professional development, Hawaii State Department of Education licensing or certification, preparing for a student teaching semester, and undergraduate and graduate college degrees.
Show Your Support for Excellent Teachers & Education in Hawaii
Your support directly enables HEA to fund, connect, mentor and inspire current and future Hawaii teachers to be the best that they can be and makes an impact on education.
Become an HEA Member
Membership in HEA is open to all active and retired Hawaii educators, all students interested in a career in education, and all friends and supporters of the cause of education.
Through HEA, thousands of teachers from diverse educational institutions — and representing all teaching levels from early childhood through college — come together to find fellowship and resources for professional excellence.
Apply for membership to become part of our community of dedicated educators and education innovators.
Our Partners
HEA works with and supports a number of educational organizations and nonprofit groups that share our commitment to excellence in education and the profession of teaching.