Stories About Hawaii Educators
Watch and read stories about the life-changing impact of local teachers and professors.

Augie Tulba
Former student of Millie Murakami
Dole Middle School

Ben Cayetano
Former student of Howard Higa
Kalakaua Intermediate School

Holden Suzuki
8th Grade Student
Maui Waena Intermediate School

JoAnn Oshiro
Former student of Mr. Edwin Ginoza
Maui High School

Tord “Harald” Ivarsson
2021 Hiroshi & Barbara Kim Yamashita HEA Scholarship Recipient
Kapiolani Community College

Yunji de Nies
Former student of Mr. Colin More
Honolulu Waldorf School

Natanya Friedheim
Former student of Ms. Alexandra (Armstrong) Taylor
Kailua Intermediate School

Nicole Tam
Former Student of Shareen Murayama
Kaiser High School

Jessica Pagtulingan
Former student of Mrs. Lori Fujimoto
Kapalama Elementary School

Kevin Matsunaga
Digital Media Teacher
Chiefess Kamakahelei Middle School
Community Testimonials
We are honored to share these memories from our community about the impact of Hawaii educators on their students’ lives.
“She has been a model student who is committed to excellence in everything she participates in.”
Rhynne T. Lee
2021-22 Graduating High School Scholarship Recipient
Moanalua High School
“I put my doctorate on the back burner for decades, but Dr. Beth Pateman at UH Manoa’s College of Education encouraged me to apply for the doctoral program. Thank you for your confidence in me and nudging me toward this life-changing experience!”
Lynn Hammonds
In honor of Dr. Beth Pateman
University of Manoa, College of Education
“Mrs. Kathy Lum was my French teacher at Highlands Intermediate School. Her classroom was a joyful place in an otherwise difficult world. What a wonderful world I discovered, thanks to her!”
Jonathan Gillentine
In honor of Kathy Lum
Highlands Intermediate School
“Ms. Wilene Lum at Mililani Mauka Elementary was the first teacher to challenge me, recognizing my storytelling talents. At 6, I hated her for it, but I now realize how much I owe her and carry her lessons with me.”
Taryn Pascua
In honor of Wilene Lum
Mililani Mauka Elementary School