
Graduating High School Seniors

Scholarship Requirements and Procedures

Two scholarships in the amount of $2,000 each are awarded to graduating high school seniors who will enroll in any two- or four-year state or nationally accredited institution of higher learning (preference will be given to those in preK-12 teaching) in the 2025-2026 academic year. This scholarship is open only to HEA members, children of HEA members, or grandchildren or legally adopted grandchildren of HEA members. Members must be in good standing and shall have been members for at least one year.

Employees, officers and directors of HEA, and their immediate family members and individuals living in the same household (whether related or not) of such employee, officer or director are not eligible to apply.

Selection will be based on the following information:

  1. Completed High School Application Form, including nature of study or training desired and place of study or training
  2. Official high school transcript (provided and sent by the school)
  3. Personal statement
    1. Statements should be no more than 300 words typed or legibly hand-written on a separate sheet. Give (a) your reasons for pursuing higher education, (b) your interests in your chosen field of study, and (c) how this scholarship can help you in achieving your goals and plans. In addition, list and describe your participation in campus and community activities and scholastic or service honors received.
  4. Completed HEA Financial Aid Form
  5. Recommendations from teachers (three required)
    1. At least three recommendations are required. These letters are confidential and should be sent by the writer via email, submitted through the website or mailed directly to the address listed below.

The following table of points will be applied in scoring:

1-15 points Abilities

1-15 Points Personal Statement

1-10 points Teacher Recommendations

1-10 points Financial Need

The HEA Scholarship Committee will review all applications and select the scholarship winners. The Committee’s decision will be final.

If mailing or emailing applications, transcripts, forms and reference letters, please address them and any questions to:

HEA Scholarship Committee (High School)
1953 South Beretania Street, Suite 5C
Honolulu, HI 96826
Phone: 949-6657

Applications, transcripts, forms and reference letters must be received by 12:00 Noon on Tuesday, April 1, 2025 via mail, email or submitted through the website.


TO APPLY ONLINE (Click form below):

SY 2025-2026 High School Application Form

SY 2025-2026 High School Recommendation Form


TO OBTAIN PDF FILLABLE (Click form below):

SY 2025-2026 High School Application Form

SY 2025-2026 High School Recommendation Form


Submit Your Application Online

  • Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 128 MB.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

In-Service Public School Educators

Scholarship Amount: $2,000

For tenured and/or permanent Hawaii State Department of Education pre-K – 12 teachers, school administrators, or educational assistants, HEA offers scholarships to support study or training.


Ronald K. Toma Professional Development

Scholarship Amount: Varies

For tenured Hawaii State Department of Education pre-K – 12 teachers and school administrators, HEA offers scholarships to support those pursuing enrichment opportunities and professional learning.


Student Teachers

Scholarship Amount: $2,000

For student teachers intending to teach in the Hawaii State Department of Education, HEA and the family of Helen McKay have established a Student Teacher Scholarship to minimize the need for employment during the student teaching semester.


Hiroshi & Barbara Kim Yamashita Undergraduate College Students

Scholarship Amount: $2,000

For full-time undergraduate students majoring in education and intending to teach in a Hawaii public school, HEA is pleased to offer the Hiroshi & Barbara Kim Yamashita HEA Scholarship to assist with college.


Continuing College Students

Scholarship Amount: $1,000

HEA offers college scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students pursuing a career in education.


Graduating High School Seniors

Scholarship Amount: $2,000

HEA offers college scholarships for graduating high school seniors who will enroll in any two-year or four-year accredited institution of higher learning.


HEA Carol H. Yoneshige Undergraduate College Students

Scholarship Amount: $3,000

For full-time undergraduate students majoring in education in their 2nd or 3rd year, intending to teach in a Hawaii public school, elementary or secondary level.  


HEA/HSTA-Retired In-Service Public School Educators

Scholarship Amount: $1,000

For HSTA members in good standing and have been HSTA members for at least one year, have a Baccalaureate degree, and have a commitment to continue in the field of public education.