A Message from the President: Aloha!

June 1, 2022

This year, HEA proudly celebrated 100 years of advancing education in Hawaii and proudly celebrated the shaping of a new future of connections with and among public and private school teachers, administrators and with faculties and administrators of institutions of higher learning as well as with the education community and public.

The immediate future looks promising as the Board of Directors have adopted upcoming plans that I am sure you will be able to give your wholehearted Thumbs Up!

I am grateful for your support and commitment to our Association. Your congratulatory notes, great comments and generous gifts reflect your belief in HEA’s mission and confirms for me that our Board and staff are on track – in advocating teaching as a profession and in strengthening and supporting excellence in Hawaii’s education of its students.

I’m pleased to let you know that as I prepare to leave the presidency, I am equally proud of the strategic plans and accomplishments made during my tenure as president. There is a lot more to do and the next president has my confidence as she leads towards the long-term viability of the HEA. (YES! I said, “she”…😊)

I remain on the Board of Directors for the next fiscal year to support the new president!

Much Aloha and Mahalo to you.



Share your story with us! Our teachers are a great source of encouragement, inspiration and positive life transformations. Many of us have had a teacher who has made a major impact on our lives or helped us to simply do better.

HEA wants to showcase testimonials about amazing teachers to highlight the importance of our local educators. These stories will be featured throughout our website, newsletter and social media in 2021 as part of HEA’s 100th anniversary celebration.


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