With the rising cost of college tuition, financial support for students has become vitally important. The Hawaii Education Association (HEA) is proud to continue its support for the next generation of educators by offering scholarships to help cover the cost of their college tuition.
We have also been able to support Teaching As A Career (TAAC) Clubs at schools statewide as well as schools that participate in the Hawaii Department of Education’s Career and Technical Education (CTE) pathways program.
We are keenly aware that these scholarships we offer simply would not be possible without the generous support from all of you, our members and donors. We are grateful that you share our vision of creating a pipeline of future educators who will be responsible for shaping the destiny of Hawaii’s youth.
As we focus on recruitment of great educators, we are also focusing on retention. Giving educators the support they need so that they do not leave the profession is also one of HEA’s priorities. That’s why we are continuing to invest in “Communities of Care” sessions for Hawaii educators, led by Dr. Troy Hutchings, senior policy advisor for the National Association for the State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC).
Dr. Hutchings conducted sessions in Hawaii earlier this year and we are glad to welcome him for virtual sessions in September. We want to make sure each educator, whether they are in a public, private, or charter school, has the necessary tools to effectively manage the non-academic aspects to support student success.
On behalf of all the HEA board of directors, I would like to thank you again for all your support. We look forward to the start of a new academic year and discovering new, exciting opportunities to support you and our great profession. Mahalo.
With much aloha,
Joan Kamila Lewis
Board President