A Message from the President: Greetings from the School Zone!

August 15, 2024


I hope your summer was filled with the 3 Rs: Rest, Relaxation, and Really wonderful times! Most importantly, it is my hope that you have what you  need to be ready for another great year of learning and growing with each other and our students.

Continuous Learning is Necessary
The Hawaii Education Association recognizes that part of that readiness, for many of us, includes participation in ongoing professional development.  We know that continuous learning has become necessary to keep pace with the world and we’re glad to be able to do our part by providing educator  scholarships for professional development purposes.

As one of our student scholarship applicants noted in her application, “education is forever changing, and there are always new strategies and  practices that can be better implemented to help our diverse school communities.” With new expectations of educators to prepare our students for what’s ahead, HEA is committed to doing our part to support Hawai’i’s educators as they continue their good work.

Supporting the Next Generation of Teachers
Our scholarships to students are also a welcome support for our local families. For those trying to support their students’ post-secondary dreams while  dealing with the reality of managing household budgets, our student scholarships help lighten the load…even if just a bit. For both our educator and  student recipients, our scholarships help build the future. As the saying goes: “Do what you can, where you are, with what you have…” We are able to  help out because what we have is, YOU, our dedicated and generous HEA members. On behalf of our officers, our board, and most especially, our  scholarship recipients, thank you!

Please enjoy reading about our scholarship recipients in this issue. Each of them has a unique story to share and I have no doubt that their stories and their work will fill you with pride. Imua kākou! Let’s keep moving forward, together!

Mahalo for your ongoing support of HEA!



Share your story with us! Our teachers are a great source of encouragement, inspiration and positive life transformations. Many of us have had a teacher who has made a major impact on our lives or helped us to simply do better.

HEA wants to showcase testimonials about amazing teachers to highlight the importance of our local educators. These stories will be featured throughout our website, newsletter and social media in 2021 as part of HEA’s 100th anniversary celebration.


More News

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Educator Connection Q3 Newsletter Now Available

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HEA Awards More than $18,000 in Scholarships

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Support HEA When You Shop for Groceries

Support HEA When You Shop for Groceries

Donate when checking out at any Foodland or Sack N Save during the month of September 2024.