Happy New Year and Welcome to the Year of the Rabbit!
On behalf of the HEA Board of Directors, I hope your holidays were delightful and that 2023 is off to a strong start.
I am happy to share that HEA started 2023 by hosting an amazing summit with community leaders who share our passion for the health and well being of our students and our schools. It is the first of what I believe will be an annual gathering that provides policy and other decision makers opportunities to engage with educators. This first gathering helped us reveal the level to which health and wellness impact student, staff and school success. All participants left feeling that we have good first steps that we can take together to make impactful changes.
One of our first steps includes the kick off of our Communities of Care Tour. With the financial support of the Kaiser Foundation and in partnership with the Hawaii Teachers’ Standards Board, we will be conducting workshops throughout the state. More information will be provided and we encourage you to join us when we are in your area.
This spring will also be a time of renewal for our Board of Directors. We have a number of board terms ending this year, and our elections process will be in full swing. I would like to invite those who want to join us in leading our good work to get on the ballot for the upcoming election cycle. As importantly, we appreciate everyone’s participation in voting.
As always your commitment to education and your membership in our community are valued beyond words.
With much aloha,
Joan Kamila Lewis
Board President