Many of us can recall a teacher who encouraged, motivated, or inspired us, and who taught us critical lessons that have lasted to this day.
As the Hawaii Education Association (HEA) marks our 100th anniversary in 2021, we want to honor and celebrate educators statewide for the vital work they do in shaping the next generation. Our goal is to recognize at least 100 teachers and professors, past and present, through our #MyAwesomeTeacher campaign across our website, social media and other communications. We are honored to have received dozens of stories so far from students, parents, working professionals, and community figures. Many educators have also shared their stories about the teachers who inspired them to pursue teaching as a career!
Teachers who have shared stories include (clockwise from top left): Candy Suiso, retired educator from Waianae High School; Kurt Dela Cruz, senior advisor at UH Hilo; Sarah Kern, HEA scholarship recipient and 7th grade teacher at Chiefess Kamakahelei Middle School; and Kevin Matsunaga, digital media teacher at Chiefess Kamakahelei Middle School.
See all of the #MyAwesomeTeacher stories on our website.
Was there a teacher who made an impact on your life? Submit your story through our website or post it on social media. Tag @hawaiieducationassociation on Facebook or @hawaiieducation on Instagram and use the hashtag #MyAwesomeTeacher.