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Stories About Hawaii Educators

Watch and read stories about the life-changing impact of local teachers and professors.

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Our teachers are great sources of encouragement, inspiration, and positive life transformations. Many of us have had a teacher who made a major impact on our lives or helped us to simply do better.

Here, HEA showcases testimonials about amazing teachers to highlight the importance of our local educators. These stories were collected and featured throughout our website, newsletter, and social media in 2021 as part of our 100th anniversary celebration.

Community Testimonials

We are honored to share these memories from our community about the impact of Hawaii educators on their students’ lives.

“At Kahalu‘u Elementary, Mrs. Lorraine Mito encouraged me to keep learning and be a good member of society. When I started in Human Resources, I called her to let her know how she influenced me to do my best.”

Naomi Ahuna

In honor of Lorraine Mito

Kahaluu Elementary

“As an inspiring, patient, and wise teacher, Mr. Gary Obrecht changed my worldview on writing and literature at Kamehameha Schools Kapālama. His detailed feedback refined my writing and boosted my confidence.”

Rylan Kwock

In honor of Gary Obrecht

Kamehameha Schools Kapalama

“Teaching the intro to journalism class at UH Manoa and as the adviser for the student newspaper, Robin Gould was so energetic and pushed us to do better. Because of her, I became a newspaper reporter and editor.”

Kimberly Fu

In honor of Robin Gould

University of Hawaii at Manoa

“Dr. Jon Price at UH Hilo is the reason why I am a PhD student now, researching Hawaiian ecology in my home community. He made me feel excited and empowered to learn about and protect Hawaii’s ecosystems.”

Gina McGuire

In honor of Jon Price

University of Hawaii at Hilo